6 facts about American fathers

6 facts about American fathers As the American family changes, fatherhood is changing in important and sometimes surprising ways. Today, fathers who

6 facts about American fathers2017-02-09T01:01:39+00:00

KidsCare is back !

KidsCare is back ! Hello parents, We have some good news! KidsCare health coverage is now back in Arizona. You may qualify

KidsCare is back !2017-02-09T01:01:28+00:00

Why Kids Need Their Dads

Why Kids Need Their Dads By Skye Loyd Four decades of research and hundreds of studies have proven what should be obvious to everyone:

Why Kids Need Their Dads2016-11-03T01:01:08+00:00

Kids and Cars

Kids and Cars We are headed into that back to school rush and while we are out buying new uniforms, school supplies

Kids and Cars2016-08-02T01:01:51+00:00

Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons Being a father is life's fullest expression of masculinity. But for many males, life consists of a search for

Fathers and Sons2016-08-02T01:01:35+00:00
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