Building New Beginnings

by Jay Hardnen
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Get used to it; you’ll be hearing it for a while. It’s funny, but this time of year always brings about the feeling of change. People make and break resolutions, try new things yet often fail…which leads to feelings of inadequacy or sadness. But this year can be different!
I want you to understand, I mean really grasp, the fact that you are where you are in your life FOR A REASON. Your life has purpose, and while you may or may not believe this, it is true. Whenever I see a new client, and they paint a bleak picture of their life, I always respond in a positive way. Why? Because first of all, they’ve made a decision about getting the help they need to move forward. Secondly, they are unique, special, and things can get better! It’s funny; over the years, Vance and I have met with thousands of men in our workshops and support groups, and many have felt that they were in the most hopeless, helpless, situations in the world. The fact was, they were in the most hopeless, helpless situations in THEIR OWN WORLD! But once they shared their feelings of frustration, or even desperation, they felt better. When they heard other men sharing their hearts, they felt compassion and camaraderie. When they learned about other men like them who overcame significant obstacles, they felt hope. Suddenly, their own world became bigger, and they saw it differently.
See, there will always be someone out there who has it worse than you. But realize, that does not make YOUR particular issues any easier. They still need to be dealt with. What does make your load lighter is sharing it with someone else. I don’t mean dumping on them; I mean honestly and openly sharing your heart with someone who cares about you, and allowing them to listen. Holding this junk inside does nothing to help us move forward. We need to unzip our hearts, let emotions, feelings, pain, worry, and love pour out. I know that many of you who are reading this right now have been carrying burdens around most of your life. Why not consider dealing with this, and becoming a person who is able to connect emotionally with your family?
My business card says “Family Coaching Solutions”, and right under that it says Building New Beginnings. That’s right. Like I said before, you are where you are right now for a reason. Where you go tomorrow depends on you. Are you ready and willing to BUILD A NEW BEGINNING? I’m telling you, anything bad that has happened in your life up to this point can be turned into good. There are so many options for you out there. Really good options. But you gotta make a move.
I read somewhere that 70% of people who buy new gym memberships in January don’t return to the gym in February. After that, it’s something like 95% of those people quit within three months. Many people make a resolution to stop a destructive habit, maybe smoking or drinking. Let me tell you, you will FAIL with those resolutions if you do not first commit to BUILDING A NEW BEGINNING!!! I plead with you…consider the concept. Everything from today forward is a new beginning. Everything from your past is your “PhD” from the University of Life. You earned it…now go out and make GOOD use of it!
Maybe some of you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’re afraid. That’s ok…but I challenge you to contact Vance at Father Matters, or me at Family Coaching Solutions. WE CARE. We love. We help. We do not judge, as we have been in your shoes. There are people out there who need YOU…they will benefit from your life story. But for you to help them, you need to help yourself first.
This is the time…this is YOUR time. Take the first step. Call someone who cares. Happy New Year, and I pray that this will be your best year ever!
Jay Harnden, CCC, CCLC Family Coaching Solutions…Building New Beginnings 1.408.449.3057