DES Takes Proactive Approach in Notifying Parents of Financial Obligations
The Department of Economic Security (DES) knows parents care about their children. Unfortunately, sometimes parents separate, and financial support of the children becomes an issue. In some instances, if the non-custodial parent (the parent who does not have custody of the child) does not provide financially for his or her child, the custodial parent (the parent with whom the child is residing), often turns to the (DES) Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) program for child support assistance. The non-custodial parent may not be aware of Division’s involvement until after child support enforcement actions are initiated against him or her.
In order to better serve all parents, DCSE is now notifying non-custodial parents who have a court-ordered support obligation when child support services commence for their children. The notice is intended to immediately open a line of communication with the non-custodial parent, to introduce the services provided, and to explain how one can make child support payments. It also affords the opportunity to speak with a child support worker before the case becomes seriously deficient.
It is important that parents be actively involved in their children’s support case from the beginning. For more information on child support services the Department provides, please visit: